Are You Struggling to Get the Attention of Customers?
We don’t have an information shortage, we have an attention shortage.
- Seth Godin
Are you struggling to get your messages heard by your customers? After all, there are tons of competition and many, too many messages for your customers. Have you tried creating some mystery or curiosity to gain attention?
If you want to stimulate your customers’ curiosity, as a marketing technique, make them aware of something they don’t know. Find the information you can use to raise questions about their perceptions. Chances are, you’re either withholding all the specifics or presenting it all.
To get attention and engage the senses, look for ways to turn these direct messages into a customer quest for more information.
Here are a few ideas we suggest:
Establish trust … through previous experiences. Create context clues if you can, the more the merrier.
Make your tease interesting … can you grab their immediate attention?
Use visuals … to suggest or create the perception of mystery. Visuals are the most effective way to get the attention of your customers.
Strive to make … the information personally relevant. Target your best customers.
Offer a promise … of something of good value — does the benefit outweigh the perception of the cost?
Don’t use material … that is given away freely elsewhere. Originality and uniqueness are paramount.
Remember … curiosity is a great way to create conversation as a start to being social and building relationships.
Mike Schoultz runs a small marketing and advertising agency, Digital Spark Marketing, where he blogs on topics that can make a difference in the success of a business. Connect with him on LinkedIn.